How does allergic rhinitis happen?
Allergic rhinitis is triggered by breathing in tiny particles of allergens. It might be dust-mites, pollens and spores, animal hair or cold air. It may all due to a weak immune system which mistakenly classifies a harmless substance – or so called allergen – as an invader and sets off a false alarm. As a result the production of antibodies is immediately induced causing cells to release histamine. Finally, these chemicals trigger the allergic reaction causing us for example to sneeze.
Does Chinese herbal work for allergic rhinitis?
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), allergic rhinitis is known as nasal blockage with pus (bi qiu). Its etiology is deficiency of lung qi, such that pathogenic cold invades the nose, resulting in symptoms of nasal congestion, sneezing, and rhinorrhea. In China, herbal medicines and acupuncture are commonly used to treat allergic rhinitis. Research has shown that certain herbs including astragalus root (Huang-qi 黄芪), Magnolia flower (Xin-yi-hua辛夷花), Xanthium fruit (Cang-er-zi苍耳子), Cicada molting (Chan-yi蝉衣), Licorice(Gan-cao甘草) and many other herbs have shown to be efficacious against allergic rhinitis. Some of those herbs can also regulate the immune response and enhance cellular and humoral immunity.
How does acupuncture help allergic rhinitis?
Researchers from Stanford, RMIT, Griffith, and Western Sydney Universities conclude that acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for persistent allergic rhinitis and can alleviate symptoms such as nasal and eye itching, sneezing, and runny nose. The research has shown that acupuncture exerts an immunomodulatory effect on patients with allergic rhinitis and that also benefits patients with allergy related asthma.
How long does it take for acupuncture to work?
For allergic rhinitis, I would recommend to do two times per week, for a total of 16 acupuncture sessions over a period of 8 weeks. However, with the combination of herbal medicine, most patients begin to see improvements in the second or third weeks of treatments.

How do we treat babies or kids who have the allergic rhinitis?
When babies or kids develop allergy, they get nasal stuffiness, runny nose, sneezing, coughing and mucus clogged in the airways and lungs. These symptoms cause impactmay disrupt to all sortsmany of the daily routines that are essential to body growth and development. For example, The theybaby may get chokedchoke during feeding and thus lose appetite, or become . They may be deprived of deep sleep due to throat irritation and coughing. Needle-less acupuncture, kids cupping and Acu-TouchR Tuina massage will helps relieve these symptoms on the one hand, andas well as shorten recovery time through boosting immunity on the other. To find out more, please check out my book Soft Touch of Tiger Moms.