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As an experienced Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Master Ruth combines her knowledge in herbal medicine and the principles of the Five Elements to create this set of dietary grade essential oils, meticulously selected for beauty, healing, and detoxification.


This kit contains 5X5ml pure essential oils (EO) that resonates with the energies of the Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Extracted from organic herbs through the highest distilling standards in France, our oils are ensured to be 100% pure and natural.



The Wood element EO (Citrus reticulata blanco) resonates with the Liver energy and carries medicinal properties that are great for anti-stress, digestive, qi-flow and liver-detox.



The Fire element EO (Lavandula angustifolia) resonates with the Heart energy and improves microcirculation and relaxation. The Fire EO is useful for calming, anti-depression, pain-relief, anti-inflammation, anti-viral, deodorization, hypertension, and much more.



The Earth element EO (Ocimum basilicum) resonates with the Spleen energy and is famed for treating digestive ailments, spasms, and bloating. It is effective for preventing stomach reflux and relieving menstrual pain or migraines. It also has invigorating benefits that help fight fatigue.


The Water element EO (Pelargonium graveolens) resonates with the Kidney energy and has many medical properties which are anti-oxidative, haemostatic and analgesic. Besides supporting the reproductive system, the Water element EO helps with treating hormonal imbalances, menstrual issues, menopausal syndrome and helps balance the moisture and oil of skin by revitalizing skin cells.

The Metal element EO (Cinnamomum camphora) resonates with the Lung energy and carries natural and potent antiviral and antibacterial properties. It has a stimulating effect on the immune system and helps fight against winter infections. It helps clear the respiratory tract, and is often used on conditions such as colds and throat/lung infections, sinus, cough, and herpes.



Skincare products

Common Ailments Stress/Sleep disorder Diffuse: Mix Wood, Earth and Fire elements EO, 3 drops each, diffuse or nebulize at your work space or living room, or at your bedroom to improve sleep quality. Massage: Mix 1 drop of Fire element EO and 1 drop of Water element EO and rub the mixed oil behind your ear or rub it on the sole of your feet before going to bed. Bath: Add Fire, Water and Metal elements EO, 3 drops each and some sea salt/Epsom salt into your bath water to enjoy a relaxing and soothing bath. Improve concentration Mix Metal and Wood elements EO, 2 drops each, and rub it onto the inside of your wrist, 3-4 times a day. Hiccups Rub 1 drop of the Wood element EO on throat and center of chest until it’s fully absorbed. Indigestion/Bloating Mix 2 drops of Earth element EO with a teaspoon of vegetable oil, rub it on the area above the naval until it’s fully absorbed. Nausea/Morning sickness/Motion sickness Rub 1 drop of the Earth element EO onto the inside of your wrist, or add 1 drop of Earth element EO in vegetable oil and massage the upper abdomen with the mixed oil. Sinusitis/Allergic Rhinitis/Common cold Add Metal and Earth elements EO, 2 drops each into of a bowl of hot water. Put a towel over your head and the bowl, and start deep inhalation for five minutes. Loss of Voice/Sore Throat Add Water and Metal elements EO, 2 drops each into half a glass of lukewarm water, then gargle. Menstrual Cramps/Muscle Pain Mix 2 drops of Earth, Fire and Water elements EO with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Massage with this mixture on the pain area morning and evening. Headache/Migraine Mix Earth and Wood elements EO, 2 drops each with a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Massage with this mixture on your temples, behind your neck and the pain area morning and evening. Hypertension Massage 1 drop of Fire element EO onto the inside of your wrists and your chest. 3-4 times a day. Immunity Boost Massage 2 drops of Metal element EO onto the inside your wrists, morning and evening, during the winter times to prevent flu and cold. Cough/Bronchitis (For Adults) Mix 2 drops of Metal element EO with a teaspoon of honey. Taken orally three times a day. Rub and massage the Metal element EO onto the inside of your wrists, surface of your throat, the sides of your nostrils and your chest, 3-4 times a day.

Women's Health Fertility Massage Before or after ovulation, mix 3 drops of Water element EO with a teaspoon of vegetable oil and massage it onto your abdomen in clockwise direction until the mixture is fully absorbed. Breast Health Add Water and Wood element EO, 2 drops each into a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Massage your breast with this mixture after bath. Stretch Marks (Post Childbirth) Add 3 drops of Water element EO and 3 drops of Fire element EO into a teaspoon of tamanu oil/argan oil/coconut oil/almond oil and massage the affected area with this mixture every evening. Be careful, do not use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Skin Care Eczema/Psoriasis/Dermatitis Mix Water and Fire element EO, 2 drops each with a teaspoon of Tamanu oil or Chamomile flora water. Massage the mixture locally on the affected area for a soothing and healing effect. You could inhale the Fire element directly to calm your mind. Acne Mix 1 drop of the Fire element EO with a teaspoon of aloe vera or tamanu oil and apply the mixture onto the affected area, 3-4 times a day. Insect Bites Apply 1 drop of Fire element EO onto the affected area, 3-4 times a day. Mild Burnt/Razor Cut/Sunburnt Mix Water and Fire element EO, 2 drops each with a teaspoon of aloe vera gel, then apply the mixture directly to the clean wound. Prevention of Wrinkles Add 1 drop of Water element EO in your cream or squalene oil and apply it on your face and neck. This mixture is perfect as the medium for facial guasha.

Home and Personal Care Disinfectant Spray Put 2 grams of sea salt into 50ml of water, then add 5 drops of the Metal element EO into the solution and shake well. Home Care Put 3 drops of Fire element EO onto the filter of your vacuum cleaner or air conditioner; Mix 3 drops of Fire element EO in a teaspoon of white vinegar and add the mixture to the water in your steam generator or washing machine. Great for disinfection on your environment and clothes, leaving an enticing smell. Hair Mask Add 2 drops of the Wood element EO in vegetable oil. Leave on for 15 minutes, then lather and rinse with your usual shampoo. Lip Mask Add 1 drop of Wood element EO in a teaspoon of coconut oil. Gently massage your lips with this mixture. Shower Gel Mix Wood and Water elements EO, 1 drop each, to every 10 ml of your usual shower gel for an invigorating effect. Shake well before each use.

Dietary Slimming Tea Add 1-2 drops of Wood element EO into 150ml warm water or juice or any beverages to enhance digestion. Salad and Dessert Mix 2 drops of the Earth element EO and olive oil into tomato and mozzarella salad and enjoy the refreshing flavour of this traditional Italian dish. You can also add the Wood element EO in your shortbread or rice pudding to give it a kick and enhance digestion.

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